Positions Name
5th Priyanka Kalita
Letter Marks
Assamese 94 Computer Science 28 Out of 33
English 85 Sanskrit 2 Out of 2
General Science 66 Hindi 5 Out of 10
Social Science 81 Dance 5 Out of 5
General Mathematics 96 Fine Arts 12 Out of 14
Adv. Mathematics 43 Out of 75 Geography 1 Out of 7
History 5 Out of 6 Music 4 Out of 4
Total no of Letters         : 527
No. of candidates appeared 156
No. of candidates passed 156
Distinction 57
Star 42
1st Division 146
2nd Division 9
3rd Division 1
Compartmental nil
Fail nil
State Highest
Name Subject
Debadarshan Misra Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Prabal Sarma Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Pragyan Deka Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Raj Jyoti Das Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Saurav Jyoti Barman Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Swapnav Nayan Bharali Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Ujjal Deka Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Adhisha Goswami Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Prerana Barman Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Prerana Deka Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Prerana Sutradhar Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Priyanka Kalita Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Simi Baishya Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Simi Baishya Gen. Science (100 Marks)
Priyanka Kalita Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Prerana Barman Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Prerana Deka Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Simi Baishya Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Iftisam Nasrin F.A. (97 Marks)